19 Aug Rowley Mossop to Moderate ACEC Canada’s Panel on the Threat of Commoditization of Consulting Engineering
How can consulting engineering companies combat the downward pressure of fees and be the service provider of choice based on value, not price?
This year’s annual leadership symposium of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies, Canada (ACEC) features a panel discussion on “Eluding the Threat of Commoditization”. In this panel, industry leaders will discuss the changed nature of clients and how consulting engineering companies compete for work. They will discuss approaches to avoid commoditization at the business and industry levels. This is an important topic for consulting engineering of all sizes who are threatened by lower capital budgets and increased competition.
Panelists include:
- John Gamble, President & CEO, ACEC
- Ryan Brain, President & CEO, WSP Canada
- Guy Cormier, President & CEO, J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd.
- Greg Herasymuik, Principal, President, Canada Region, Golder & Associates
Event Information and Registration >>
ACEC Canada is the country’s leading professional organization for the consulting engineering profession. The organization represents over 400 member companies to serve the interests of the public, its members and the profession.
Innovia is a Premium Associate Member of ACEC Canada. Rowley Mossop, Principal of Innovia, participated as a panelist in last year’s panel discussion on inclusion and talent management. Our team works with consulting engineering and architecture firms across Canada to improve business performance and improve creative and technical outcomes.